General information
- Flyer: Copernicus Publications (PDF)
- Flyer: Copernicus Meetings (PDF)
- eBook: A short History of Interactive Open Access Publishing (PDF)
Information for our authors, editors, and conference organizers
- Work flows of the Copernicus Office review system (Power Point)
- Online tools for Abstract and Programme Management (Service Package A) (PDF)
Logo download
Corporate colours & fonts
- Copernicus-blueRGB: 35/41/96Hex: #232960CMYK: 100/75/5/40Pantone: 654
- C-royal-blueRGB:17/120/180Hex: #1178B4CMYK:100/22/0/21
- Main font: Verdana
- Web font: Verdana
- Font logo & slogan: Book Antiqua
Contact us
Sarah Schneemann
Social Media
Natascha Töpfer