Yafang Cheng awarded Copernicus Medal 2025

The Copernicus Medal 2025 has been awarded to Yafang Cheng for her fundamental insights, groundbreaking advances, and impactful public outreach in understanding atmospheric aerosols and their effects on air quality, public health, and climate.
The presentation of the medal and the corresponding medal lecture are on Tuesday, 29 April 2025, 19:00 at the Austria Center Vienna in the course of the EGU General Assembly 2025.
Professor Yafang Cheng is an internationally leading scholar in the fields of aerosol science and Earth system chemistry. She is director of the Aerosol Chemistry Department of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPIC). She is also a guest professor at Peking University (PKU), a distinguished guest professor at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), an elected Member of Academia Europaea (AE), and a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
Cheng's research aims to gain a predictive understanding of the origins, interactions, and impact of aerosols in the Earth system and addresses grand challenges of global change in the Anthropocene. Through groundbreaking scientific studies, she has made transformative contributions and fundamental advances in understanding atmospheric aerosols and their impact on air quality, public health and climate (AGU Joanne Simpson Medal citation). Cheng combines laboratory experiments and field measurements with the development of new instruments, theories, and models to address fundamental scientific questions and open up new research directions inspiring the global scientific community.
More information on the Copernicus Medal.
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