Season's greetings from Copernicus
17 December 2019
The success of the journals we publish and the conferences we organize is mostly the result of all the hard work our editors, referees, authors, conference organizers, and other partners provide every day, and we are very grateful for this pleasant collaboration.
For several years now, we have been making donations instead of sending Christmas presents since we feel that it is very important to engage in societal challenges. This year, to further reduce our own environmental impact, we stopped sending printed Christmas cards. Instead, we created our online Advent calendar and sent a Christmas email to our customers and friends.
Regarding our 2019 Christmas donations, we decided to support initiatives for both the environment and humans, in particular at a regional level:
- Knochenmark- und Stammzellspenderdatei Göttingen (KMSG): because stem cell donation is a social obligation that we want to support.
- Elternhaus für das krebskranke Kind (support for parents of children with cancer): because we want to support young people and families.
- Göttinger Umwelt- und Naturschutzzentrum e.V. (GUNZ): because we want to promote local environmental protection work, and GUNZ e.V. brings NABU, BUND, Greenpeace, and other associations here in Göttingen together in one office and enables joint, local environmental protection measures and further education.
Thus, we have put into action the central cornerstones of our responsibility strategy: society, family, and the environment.
We wish you, your families, and friends a very merry Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year!