Publish your video abstract

Since October 2015, when the cooperation between Copernicus Publications and the TIB AV-Portal started, authors have been enabled to host their video abstracts and video supplements in a reliable repository. The collaboration with TIB AV-Portal enables a persistent interlinking through DOIs: the journal article links to the video abstract deposited in the TIB AV-Portal and vice versa. Since recently the video abstract can be played directly on the article's abstract page.
The video abstract is a short video statement providing authors with the opportunity to present background information about their findings and to showcase their research activities to a wider audience. Through this, the visibility of their research can be enhanced as the video abstract provides an additional access point to the article. Additionally, readers can benefit from additional information and non-textual resources. Explaining the content visually is not only helpful for interested laypersons but also for researchers working in inter- and multidisciplinary areas.
"We hope that the creative and very diverse video abstracts that were published so far inspire authors to make use of this great tool to increase the visibility of their research output", says Martin Rasmussen. "Nowadays when social media also plays a big role in science, it is an innovative and unique opportunity for authors to share their work in a personalized and visualized way. The authors of the articles published in the EGU journals Geoscience Communication, Earth Surface Dynamics, and Hydrology and Earth System Sciences are our pioneers for video abstracts and we hope their examples will raise the awareness for this feature within the Geosciences communities."
Details and instructions on how to upload a video abstract can be found in the manuscript preparation guidelines or on the individual journal websites.