Extended agreement with the Leibniz Association

Our agreement regarding the centralized payment of article processing charges (APCs) with the Leibniz Association has been extended. As of 1 May, APCs of corresponding authors of 53 Leibniz Institutions participating in the Leibniz Association's Open Access Publishing Fund will be paid centrally by the fund if the APCs do not exceed €2000 gross. This new agreement also includes the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and complements the individual agreement between Copernicus Publications and PIK.
The Leibniz Association's Open Access Publishing Fund supports authors who intend to publish articles in open-access journals that impose article processing charges (APCs). The fund is being financed by the participating Leibniz institutions (80 per cent) and by the executive board's strategic fund (20 per cent).
Further information on financial support for authors.