New institutional agreement between the TU Darmstadt and Copernicus Publications

Copernicus Publications is pleased to announce a new institutional agreement with the Technische Universität Darmstadt. The agreement will make the publication procedure easier for authors by making use of a central billing of article processing charges (APCs).
Authors of articles in one of the open-access journals published by Copernicus Publications can profit from the new agreement when the corresponding author of the submitted manuscript is from the TU Darmstadt. The article processing charges (APCs) will then be settled directly between the TU Darmstadt and Copernicus Publications. "We are pleased that we could attain the TU Darmstadt as an additional institution supporting its authors by facilitating their publication process," says Martin Rasmussen, Managing Director of Copernicus Publications.
The agreement is valid for papers submitted after 1 January 2017 when the corresponding author is affiliated to the TU Darmstadt. Papers up to €2,000 (gross) will be covered completely. If this amount is exceeded, the authors will have to bear all of the costs.
Further information on financial support for authors.