Cooperation between TIB and Copernicus Publications on citable video abstracts

In cooperation with the TIB|AV-Portal of the National Library of Science and Technology (TIB), scientists who publish their articles with Copernicus Publications can now also present their research results in short, citable video abstracts and add video supplements to their articles.
The collaboration between the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) and Copernicus Publications means that scientists can use the TIB|AV-Portal to publish video abstracts or supplementary videos to the research articles they publish in one of Copernicus’ open-access journals.
“In these roughly three- to five-minute video statements, our authors have the opportunity to provide background information about their research and to present their research activities to a wider audience,” explains Martin Rasmussen, Managing Director of Copernicus Publications. “The TIB|AV-Portal is the ideal, reliable infrastructure for video abstracts for our authors.”
The short videos can easily be uploaded onto the TIB|AV-Portal, the portal for scientific videos from the realms of science and technology. During the publication process, authors are informed about how to upload video abstracts or supplementary videos to the TIB|AV-Portal.
“Within three days of being uploaded, we will assign a digital object identifier (DOI) to the video abstract. This enables them to be referenced, cited, and linked to the relevant article at Copernicus Publications,” states Margret Plank, Head of the Competence Centre for Non-Textual Materials at TIB, who is responsible for the TIB|AV-Portal.
Users can then search the video abstracts by individual film sequence and cite them precisely to the second, thanks to the automatic analysis of speech, images, and text.
“We are pleased to offer our authors the possibility of using videos in a scientifically sound way to reach out to other scientists and beyond, boosting the impact of their work,” concludes Martin Rasmussen. “This underlines the way we understand the output of researchers today: a combination of journal article, data sets, and model code, as well as video and animation supplements – all linked to each other through DOIs.”
Copernicus has recently started to collect the DOIs of data sets, videos, sample numbers, and other supplementary material when authors upload their production files. The library then links these objects in the new assets tab alongside the journal article.
Further information
Details on uploading video abstracts can be found in the manuscript preparation guidelines here or on the individual journal websites.
Visit the TIB|AV-Portal.