DOAJ Seal: 31 Copernicus titles among first 88 journals

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) has issued its seal which recognizes journals that adhere to an exceptionally high level of publishing standards and best practice. We are very proud that 31 of the first 88 titles awarded the DOAJ Seal are published by us.
The DOAJ Seal is awarded to journals that fulfil a set of currently seven Seal criteria related to accessibility, openness, discoverability, reuse and author rights. It does not judge the scholarly quality of the articles but it acts as a signal to readers and authors that the journal has liberal use and reuse terms, author rights and adheres to the highest level of openness.
More of our journals are currently under review for the Seal. We look forward to them receiving it, too.
More information on the DOAJ Seal.
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