New Journal Metrics

Our journal websites now display the latest Thomson Reuters Impact Factors, newly released in the Journal Citation Reports on 29 July 2014. We are pleased that the EGU journal Earth System Dynamics (ESD) and our journal History of Geo- and Space Sciences (HGSS) were indexed and received their Impact Factor for the first time. Geoscientific Model Development (GMD), another EGU journal published by Copernicus, has significantly improved its Impact Factor in the last year. In all, 15 of our 35 journals now have a Thomson Reuters Impact Factor. Congratulations on all authors and editors for this great achievement!
We have also recently included the Google Scholar Metrics h5-index for our journals. The 2014 h5-index, released at the end of June 2014, is based on citations from all articles that were indexed with Google Scholar as of mid-June 2013 and covers articles published between 2009 and 2013. We are proud that 7 of our 17 listed journals are among the top 20 in their respective categories.
More information on journal metrics.
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