Copernicus Publications is the first Open Access publisher visible on OpenAIRE

"We are delighted to announce the integration of the first open access publisher into OpenAIRE. Renowned open access publishers such as Copernicus Publications offer a great service to authors and significantly contribute to the uptake of the European Commission’s Open Access Pilot", says Norbert Lossau, Scientific Coordinator of OpenAIRE, an initiative co-funded by the European Commission (EC).
"Making European research result s highly visible is at the core of our mission and we do our best to support authors in achieving this through high-quality open access publishing", adds Martin Rasmussen, Managing Director of Copernicus Publications.
Copernicus and OpenAIRE have worked together to identify publications resulting from EC- funded projects. As a result, well over 400 publications have now been imported to the journals’ and OpenAIRE’s databases and will regularly be updated. Moreover, on submitting articles, authors can easily acknowledge EC-funding and will be alerted a bout the opportunity to use project funds for article processing charges.
OpenAIRE builds up a Pan-European publication Infrastructure, b ringing together 33 European countries to provide open access to European research results. It regularly harvests information from an increasing number of open access repositories and journ als, and in the near future, from data archives. Further services deployed by OpenAIRE will suppo rt statistics and the creation of complex publications linking f rom articles to research data.
In Horizon 2020, the forthcoming research and innovation framework programme of the European Commission, it is expected that open access will play an even more prominent role. A soon to be released Recommendation to Member States will spell out what is needed to improve access, management and preservation of scientific publications and data.
OpenAIRE therefore encourages pu blishers to support authors in open access publishing and dissemination, alert them about the availability of publication funds, allow imme diate deposition in open access repositories and – last but not least – to regis ter their journals at the OpenAIRE website. This suitably places pu blishers within research infras tructures which in turn allowing the seamless integration of Euro pean and world-wide research.
View this press release.
For more information on OpenAIRE visit www.openaire.eu.
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