Copernicus.org aims to promote the sciences by
- Organizing meetings, conferences and exhibitions;
- Publishing peer-reviewed journals, in particular interactive and open access;
- Supporting associations and organizations in the fulfilment of their tasks and in their relation amongst each other;
- Archiving data and information for public usage;
- Assisting in outreach activities regarding media and education;
- Developing appropriate software solutions for achieving these aims.
Promoting scientific work is our focus. Serving those dedicated to science is our passion!
Statistics 2024
- 12 (hybrid) conferences
- 23,443 contributions handled (service package A) for 65,609 co-authors
- 1,282 sessions with 4,284 conveners
- 24,315 attendees served (service package B)
- 37 peer-reviewed, open-access, disciplinary journals and 11 reviewed special publication series
- 5,699 articles | 4,395 preprints
- 1,585 editors
- 9,718 referees
- 27,025 authors
- New APC model & more inclusive discount options
- Visibility of institutional agreements on ResearchGate
- Collaboration with ResearchGate
- OA publication charge agreement with Swedish Bibsam Consortium
- Integration of ROR institutional identifiers to disambiguate affiliations listed on published articles
- First synthesis report published in State of the Planet
- First Diamond Open-Access Journal launched on Aerosol Research; APC coverage through a consortium of societies, universities, and research centres
- OA publication charge agreement with Jisc for all UK universities to opt in
- Per-paper APCs for CP, ESSD, GMD, and OS
- Preprint posting choice for authors of EGU journals between EGUsphere or the journals' discussion forums; first journals switch to 100% EGUsphere preprints for the public peer review of manuscripts submitted to EGU journals
- Inclusive name-change policy for authors
- OA publication charge agreements with ETH Domain, Luxembourg National Research Fund, Swiss National Science Foundation, the University of Lausanne, and the University of Exeter
- Per-paper APC pilot for CP and GMD
- First fully virtual conferences organized due to the pandemic
- Launch of EGUsphere, the EGU interactive community platform hosting conference abstracts, presentation & display material of conference contributions, and preprints
- Supporting member of Open Knowledge Maps (OKM)
- Supporter of the Initiative for Open Abstracts (I4OA)
- Adoption of the C4DISC Joint Statement of Principles for diversity and inclusiveness
- OA publication charge agreements with CSIC, ETH Zurich, and Gothenburg University
- Copernicus Publications celebrates 25 years of publishing
- The SUB Göttingen and Copernicus Publications introduced the National Consortium for Central Payment Processing of APCs for 14 scientific institutions
- Full-text HTML and MathJax rendering of equations for all journals
- Mobile-optimization of journal and conference websites
- Copernicus Publications signed Enabling FAIR Data Commitment Statement in the Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences and updated data policy and author guidelines
- Extended agreement with the Leibniz Association
- Celebration of 30 years of Copernicus
- Revision of editors', referees', and authors' obligations regarding appropriate handling of literature suggestions
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
- Celebration of 15 years of interactive open-access publishing
- Geographical distribution of views available in journal ALMs
- Institutional agreement with Leibniz Association signed
- Partnering with OpenAire on FP7 post-grant OA pilot for APC financing
- Signatory of The Hague Declaration and OA2020 endorsement
- DOIs for discussion comments in Interactive Public Peer Review
- Journal library re–launch and new concept for interactive journals
- Copernicus.org certified as top employer
- Introduction of linked research outputs (assets tab) and collaboration with TIB AV–Portal on video abstracts and supplements
- Endorsement of Data Citation Principles, signatory of COPDESS statement of commitment, and update of data policy
- DOAJ Seal: 31 Copernicus titles among first 88 journals
- COPE membership for all journals
- XML–first work flow and full–text XML/MathML
- PICO – Presenting Interactive COntent® registered as Community Trade Mark
- Start of Image Processing
- Implementation of data policy
- Launch of article level metrics (ALM)
- OA publication charge agreements with Helmholtz Association
- Member of ORCID and Partner of OpenAIRE
- Start of language copy-editing as a standard service
- Start of the first Copernicus conference app for mobile devices
- Certified Member of IAPCO
- Move to Göttingen
- Start of the Copernicus Office online system
- Founding Member of OASPA
- OA publication charge agreements with Max Planck Society in Germany and CNRS INSU in France
- Author copyright and Creative Commons Licence
- All journals are open access
- First conference with over 10,000 participants
- Start of interactive open-access publishing with public peer review and discussion
- First open-access journal
- Formation of Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH
- Start of publishing activities
- Start of congress organizing activities as well as back-office services
- Formation of Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V. by scientists and directors of MPI for Aeronomy (MPAE)
Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V. – the non-profit part of Copernicus
Copernicus was founded in February 1988 as the non-profit society Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V. by directors and scientists of Max Planck Institute for Aeronomy (today MPI for Solar System Research). According to the statutes, Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V. aims to promote international collaboration in the geo- and space sciences. When the business part of Copernicus, Copernicus GmbH (LLC), was founded in 2001 to carry on the conference and publishing business, Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V. became the exclusive partner. This legal partnership guarantees that the surpluses of Copernicus' projects will be used to further promote the sciences. In 2013, Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V. celebrated its 25th anniversary! In honour of this occasion, we presented for the first time the Copernicus Medal. This award recognizes ingenious, innovative work in the geosciences and planetary and space sciences, and in their exceptional promotion and international cooperation, in particular of colleagues still in the midst of their scientific career. Please find more information on the website of the Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V.
Legal status
Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH
- Business segments: professional congress organizer (Copernicus Meetings) and open-access publisher (Copernicus Publications)
- Registered as: limited liability corporation (GmbH)
- Registered at: county court Göttingen under HRB 131 298 on 15 August 2001
- Exclusive partner: Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V.
- Financial status: not-for-profit corporation
Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V.
- Exclusive partner of Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH
- Until 2001 congress organizing and publishing
- Registered as: incorporated society (eingetragener Verein - e.V.)
- Registered at: county court Göttingen under VR 130 337 on 26 February 1988
- Financial status: non-profit society (gemeinnütziger Verein)
- Please find more information on the website of the Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V.